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My introduction to natural medicine was over twenty years ago during my own journey with cancer.  Alongside surgery and conventional cancer treatments, naturopathy was central to my path back to wellness. I began to understand the healing power of nature and the restorative potential of the body. I discovered a passion for natural therapies and started my learning journey with a Bachelor of Health Science and Naturopathy. 


I have worked with clients in private practice for over ten years while raising my family with my husband in rural Victoria. With a particular interest in women's health and hormones, I believe all women should feel empowered and confident to reach their health and wellness goals. 

My Journey

With over ten years’ experience supporting women in clinic, I believe feeling healthy isn’t just about eliminating symptoms. Health and wellness embody energy, vitality, a balanced state of mind, body and soul. I work with women to help them overcome complex health challenges and feel empowered and excited about their journey onwards!


With a particular interest in women's hormones, I have focused my post- graduate study on female hormone health and fertility. I have extensive experience supporting clients with hormone imbalance, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis and adenomyosis, hormonal mood disorders (PMS and PMDD), acne and perimenopause. I am committed to continuing the conversation around perimenopause and menopause and have recently completed additional study in this area. 


Discovering the surprisingly low IVF success rates in Australia, I realised the value of collaborative care in this space. I'm excited that naturopathic medicine can offer a unique opportunity to improve both male and female fertility factors. I work with couples to provide extensive preconception care and support for assisted reproductive procedures. The decision to start a family is often filled with unexpected twists and turns. It's one that really benefits from a collaborative approach between conventional and natural healthcare practitioners. 


In clinic, my role is to identify the cause of imbalance so we can shift the focus towards healing and wellness. We're all unique. In every way. So too is the naturopathic care I provide for every client. Tailored support is your starting point towards healing and better long-term health and happiness.

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